Hello everybody !
I’m Guillaume, a 39 years old software developer and data scientist.
In the last 10 years, I’ve worked for several companies as a data scientist, building datawarehouses, optimizing databases and creating c# applications, mostly related to data manipulation, transfer, and interfacing.
I was always frustrated by the tools I was using to manipulate data : Oracle Warehouse Builder, Talend Open Studio, and the others are really powerful, no doubt, but I always felt that those were really time-consuming, and repetitive in their usage.
From that personal observation, I decided to create my own tool, with 3 main goals :

- It must be the fastest Job builder I can dream of.
- Any data source must be seen as an SQL database : It means that I’ll query it using generic SQL-92 language.
- It must be highly versatile
Fortunately, the companies I worked in allowed me to experiment and use that tool in their infrastructures, I had a gigantic sandbox to play with, with a LOT of data to work with. Any need, any new usage that was discovered has been added during the development cycle, that’s why I think I covered a lot of use cases.
Working with ton of data allowed me to optimize the tool to make it as fast as I wanted it to be.

The tool is now used (and crucial) in one of the companies I’ve worked in, more than 50 daily Jobs are running, from data replication to datawarehouse completion. “Normal” users also use the Client application to remotely launch Jobs (an occasional data integration, a data extraction…)
It’s a tool for developers, built by an experienced guy who hopes that it will be as helpful for anyone as it is for him.
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